How does a hotel usually get selected?

When Compass begins service to a new city or a market is up for renewal, a process is started to select a new hotel. The first step is for our hotel vendor, Hotel Connections, to source the market for suitable hotels. HC will then forward the hotels to Trans States Holdings, who will then select three or four hotels for selection by the hotel committee. The hotel committee will evaluate each hotel with LOA 2014-02 in mind. Our top priority when selecting a hotel for our crew members is safety and security. We will make a recommendation to TSH as to which hotel is best suited for our pilots. Occasionally, there will be a bid where no hotel is suitable. At which point, we will work with the company to come to a solution.

Where are long downtown hotels?

Section 5.C.1.d of our CBA states the following:
For layovers of fifteen (15) hours of more, a long
layover hotel that provides a downtown location or a
location that provides additional nearby attractions,
services, and facilities will be provided if the hotel is at
comparable expense to the Company.  

We understand this is a hot topic for our crews. The hotel committee is working with the MEC to make this a reality.

What happens if the transportation to the hotel does not show up in a timely manner?

Section 5.C.2.c of our CBA states the following:
If transportation is not available within thirty (30)
minutes of block-in time, the Captain may engage
alternate transportation. The Company shall provide
reimbursement for that expense upon submission of
an expense report and receipt.  

This provision allows our crews to expense a cab if the provided transportation is excessively late. If the transportation is operated by the hotel, we ask that you ask to be reimbursed by the hotel. If the transportation is a 3rd party service or if the hotel refuses to pay, submit an expense form to receive a reimbursement. The expected wait times for reimbursement are approximately one to two months.

I had an issue with a hotel.  What can I do?

We understand that hotels may not always be perfect. If you have an issue with a particular experience, let us know about it on the hotel feedback form found on this website. The more details that can be provided, the better we can address the issue with the hotel. The committee would like to remind our crews that you are representatives of Compass Airlines. As such, please be professional in your interactions with hotel staff. Do not blast the hotel with social media of any form. We will address any issues on your behalf as part of the hotel feedback form.

Does the hotel feedback forms really help the hotel committee?

Absolutely! The committee is unable to experience every overnight every single night. Our pilot group are our eyes for any issues with hotels. The forms help us address your particular incident. In addition, they help us establish trends of bad hotels. This in turn, helps us work with the company for a solution, up to and including a hotel change.

Hotel Committee Leadership

Matt Wild

Riley Silberman
Vice Chairman

John Sokol

Grant Abrams

The new MEC is looking for volunteers to interview for the Executive Administrator and Negotiating Committee. See the volunteer page for more information.